GENEO - the first fully reinforced window profile system made out of the high-tech material RAU-. FIPRO®
In terms of energo-effectiveness, GENEO is the best window profile system currently available for 86 mm construction width. Fully reinforced window profiles provide extra stability.
Thanks to their technological advances and their performance characteristics, windows constructed from GENEO® profiles put all previous window systems in the shade.
- Construction width: 86 mm / 6 chamber system
- Constructed from the high-tech material RAU-FIPRO®
- The most energy-efficient profile for windows ranging from low energy houses
(e.g., Uw = 1.1 W/m2K) to passive solar house standards (e.g., Uw = 0.73 W/m2K). - The best possible level of sound insulation without steel reinforcement, achieving previously unattainable values (glass 50 dB = Rw,P 47 dB) for sound insulation class 5 –
and including optimal thermal insulation. - Break-in protection up to resistance class 3.
Without steel reinforcement, resistance class 2 – including optimal thermal insulation. - High levels of investment security by meeting current and foreseeable EnEV standards1),
thus ensuring long-term value for your property.